Fashion Friday: Episode 12
September 7, 2023
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Lucy Dempsey, Staff Reporter
If I was born as any animal I would be reborn as a giraffe. Giraffes are my favorite animal because they are so cool looking. They have long necks and really long legs. I would be so tall and I could tower over all the other animals and watch what they are doing. I wouldn’t have to worry about anyone taking my food because nobody else could get to it.
I am so excited to be starting my first year in Upper School this year. Already I’m loving it so much more than Middle School, where we had to go where the rest of the grade had to go. We barely had any free time to talk to our friends and get homework done. This year I have so much more free time. And I get to choose how to spend it.

Neely Hume, Staff Reporter
When I think back to kindergarten, one of my only clear memories was when I forgot my folder. It had always been my fear to sit on the log. The log was where you sat at recess by yourself and watched your friends play as a sign of punishment. You could be there for any length of time depending on how bad you had been. All year, I was such a good student and never got in trouble. One random day about halfway through the year, I came to school without my folder. I didn’t know what to do. When my teacher asked if anyone had forgotten his or her folder, I histantly told her. She said I would have to sit on the log for five minutes at the start of recess. I had never been so disappointed in myself. I walked outside, lonely and sorrowfully, and sat down by myself away from everyone else. Then came my best friend. She sat right next to me. I was so confused—I didn’t remember her getting in trouble. Then she told me she had also forgotten her folder. It made me so happy to think I wasn’t the only one being punished. After finishing our long five minutes, we resumed recess as if we had been released from prison.

Lydia McNichols, Staff Reporter
As a rising fifth grader who had lived in the same state, same small town, and same house her entire ten years of life, moving to a new state wasn’t easy. My entire family knew moving to North Carolina was going to happen eventually. I just didn’t expect it to be so soon. My friends and I grew up dreaming about what Middle School and High School would be like together. Little did we know I wouldn’t even get to finish elementary school with them. Change has always been difficult for me and at first, leaving Massachusetts was very challenging. But as the years went on, I learned how to make the best out of my situation. I kept in contact with my friends, I began doing the activities I loved most, and I met new friends. Change is still very hard for me and always will be, but this one change in my life has definitely changed me for the better. Now my old friends talk about how excited they are to one day meet my new friends. My experience has taught me to always look for the light at the end of the tunnel and not give up on the chance that good can come out of unexpected challenges.