Looking ahead to the upcoming year, I want to remind myself not to take everything so seriously that there’s no time to have fun. I just want to work...

If I were to be reborn as a fruit, it would probably be as a pineapple. They are spiky on the outside and I have been told that I give off a vibe that...

I came to Charlotte Latin from a public school in sixth grade. I really didn’t like the idea of changing schools and I was quite frankly...

I could not let go. My mom probably wanted me to stop holding onto her leg but I refused. All the other kids were confident going into the first day of...

A wave of anxiety washed over me when I saw the crowd of new faces. I was a frightened six-year-old on my first day of kindergarten. Ever since, I have...

When I was six, I started to watch cooking shows— “Giada at Home,” specifically, was my all-time favorite. I had a little kitchen when I was younger,...